Image from MBL Quintay Course Makes Cover of Development

The Centre of Marine Biology Research of the Universidad Andres Bello. Credit: A. Sánchez-Alvarado

An image of Drosophila eye discs and brain lobes taken during the MBL  in Quintay, Chile, in 2020 is the cover photo for the ǴDevelopment.

The image, taken by Tonatiuh Molina Villa, was selected by popular vote on , an international community site for developmental biologists.

The Quintay Course is a compressed version of the ƬƬ renowned Embryology course, which has been held at the MBL every summer since 1893. Aimed at graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, the course provides state-of-the-art research training in developmental biology using embryos from a variety of organisms, from sea urchins to chicks.

Learn more about the Practical Course on Developmental Biology:

Students Discover the MBL Magic in a Marine Lab Far from Woods Hole

How to Shape a Developmental Biologist? |The Node

Photo: Drosophila eye discs and brain lobes with all neurons in green (labelled using horse radish peroxidase), ganglion mother cells in red (labelled for Prospero), F-actin in magenta (labelled using phalloidin) and nuclei in blue (labelled using DAPI). This image was taken by Tonatiuh Molina Villa at the 2020 MBL Practical Course in Developmental Biology in Quintay, Chile, and was voted by readers of  as the winner of a Development cover competition. Courtesy: Development