Here’s what a few former SJP Fellows had to say about the ƬƬ unique program:

“I cannot overstate how helpful this course was. I gained tremendous insight into the way environmental scientists do fieldwork, often relying on improvised tools, and how they analyze what they’ve discovered in the lab. We experienced the entire process of gathering data, prepping samples, analyzing our discoveries, and presenting our work. It was tough, but rewarding.” – Annalee Newitz, Freelance Science Journalist (2023 Environmental Fellow)

"The program was absolutely amazing; an enlightening and transformative experience for me. The knowledge and skills I gained have significantly expanded my understanding of scientific concepts, research methodologies, and effective communication strategies. I am especially grateful for the practical aspects of the course, such as the hands-on assignments and interactive sessions with industry professionals. ...Moreover, the course has provided me with invaluable networking opportunities and connections within the science journalism community." Mohamed Mansour, Science Journalist, Scientific American (2023 Biomedical Fellow)

“This was a ridiculously wonderful fellowship — best I’ve been on in my career … To offer journalists a short break to explore science and nature, to learn about the latest in scientific research and development, to stretch their minds and ponder story ideas outside the grind of daily deadlines – is itself a gift. But MBL goes above and beyond. The scientist instructors were expert in the course curriculum, but were also ready but eager to discuss topics and questions beyond the curriculum. The program introduced us to so many scientists working in so many diverse fields, there was surely something for everyone on the course.” —Katy Daigle, Global Climate and Environment Editor, Reuters (2021 Environmental Fellow)

“The program is incredibly valuable to us science journalists, as it gives us a way to see how the scientists work, on their own turf, without any artificially rushed deadlines. So, for example, we can see the things that scientists take for granted as part of the background, find new stories, add depth and background to our work, and possibly come back to these same people later as sources for articles. The faculty are wonderful and enthusiastic natural teachers, outgoing, and willing to take the time to explain to newbies what exactly is going on.”— Dan Drollette, Jr., Deputy Editor,Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists(2021 Biomedical Fellow)

“This was an invaluable experience for me as a science journalist. It was incredibly useful to see – and take part in – science in action. I learned a lot about the ways scientists think about problems in the real world, and the ways they develop research to understand and then tackle them. It was fantastic to spend so much time being around scientists, which will really help when interviewing and spending time with researchers on future reporting trips. It was also a serious amount of fun. The lectures were all very interesting and provided many ideas for future stories. The program really developed my thinking as a science journalist.”— Richard Kemeny, Independent Science and Technology Journalist (2019 Environmental Fellow)

“This program was so great! I had time to ask biomedical scientists questions about so many different topics, including the research projects we were working on. We talked about ethical issues, the challenges scientists face, different research organisms, new technologies, drug development, the cell cycle… It was an opportunity to increase my knowledge in biology. I got to use the very same tools I often mention in my articles (such as GFP). It was like [carrying out] real science!”—Mélissa Guillemette,Quebec Science(2019 Biomedical Fellow)

“This one of the best-designed science journalism courses I have been part of. Instead of the usual talks and presentations, this course takes journalists into the field and places them into the shoes of scientists. That helps journalists experience, understand and appreciate the scientific process a lot more. The course also opens up a wealth of information and resources for journalists who can generate new story ideas from the experience.”— 2018 Environmental Fellow

“The fellowship gave me more insight into the scientific process and has already helped inform the kinds of questions I ask/edits I make (and the language I use) on our microbiology/genetics stories. I also gained an appreciation for how passionate scientists are about the work they do. It was just an awesome opportunity to briefly shift gears and pay attention to the source of our content, not just the end product.”— 2018 Biomedical Fellow

“This program was outstanding and I cannot recommend it highly enough. I got a crash course in biomedical research that gave me concrete experience into what goes on during laboratory research. The course instructors were fantastic and patient, and willing to answer my innumerable questions about their work and how they think … All of this gave me a rich sense for lab work and microscopy, and a deeper knowledge of what’s at stake in biomedical research.”— Regan Penaluna,Guernica Magazine(2017 Biomedical Fellow)

“To take data directly from nature, whether it’s water straight from the ground or fish from the sea, is a visceral experience. Data aren’t just some abstract numbers. They’re a direct reflection of nature. I’m sure we all knew that on an intellectual level. But now we saw it with our own eyes, and the experience makes me appreciate scientists’ work so much more. …The course also provides lots of new story ideas and expert sources that journalists can follow up with later. It expands journalists’ networks, as we get to know new colleagues and friends. Overall, it’s a great benefit to science journalism.”— Marcus Woo, Freelancer (2017 Environmental Fellow)

“This program is invaluable because it allows scientists and journalists to exist as equals. Journalists experience firsthand the disappointment of wonky results and then learn how to tease out what might have happened and how to move forward. At the same time, our instructors took a keen interest in our work as journalists. The program was an exchange of ideas and knowledge that left everyone richer… It was quite amazing to work on research projects that neither of our instructors had done before — the outcomes were unknown to all of us. We worked long, intense hours, but the instructors always had a smile on their faces and a funny story to tell. They patiently answered all our questions and allowed us to share the wonder of discovery.”— Jamie DePolo, (2017 Biomedical Fellow)

“This was the most hands-on and comprehensive fellowship I ever done. I don’t think there is an equivalent for this program anywhere else. Journalists rarely get a chance to witness the scientific process, let alone to participate in it. …We need this understanding so we can inform the general public and the governmental entities of what it really takes (and costs) to do science.”— Lena Zeldovich, Freelancer (2017 Environmental Fellow)

“The program was immensely valuable. Working in a lab with researchers, learning about the triumphs and setbacks they face in their work, gave me a deeper understanding of the many processes beyond just inquiry that go into successful research. Possibly paradoxically, I think the experience will make me a more skeptical reporter. I understand better how the same work on the same materials can yield different results, and how even the most rigorous research maintains an element of the subjective.”— Alec Hamilton, WNYC (New York Public Radio) (2016 Biomedical Fellow)

“The Logan Science Journalism Program is far and away the most valuable fellowship I’ve done to date. It showed me what it’s like toٳ󾱲԰like a scientist, and for that reason, will undoubtedly change the way I write about research. I have a whole new appreciation for the little details now—how difficult it is to take an accurate measurement in the field, for example, or to properly process a sample in the lab.”— David Levin, Pellet Productions (2016 Environmental Fellow)

“This program is absolutely critical to training science journalists to correctly evaluate research. …Courses like these [are] essential to good science journalism and the communication of the importance of science to the public.”— Bethany Brookshire,Science News(2016 Environmental Fellow)

“I would recommend this fellowship to all. It was tremendously useful to be hands-on, to see the practical lab/field work side of science and the painstaking effort it takes to get coherent results. It will continually provide a backdrop to every science story I do. Our instructors were fantastic, illuminating, and often inspiring. The fellowship also provided me with story ideas and boosted my knowledge in several fields.”—Nick Clark, Environment Editor, Al Jazeera English (2014 Environmental Fellow)

“Trying to answer a scientific question oneself, which is what we did during this course, really helps to understand both the beauty and the limitations of the scientific enterprise. I now realize better just how much the answers nature gives us are partial, and open to a range of interpretations−any result can in fact be interpreted in many ways, especially in ecology, which is a science of complexity. But I also see better the amount of effort−both physical and intellectual−and the amount of creativity scientists have to invest to get these answers, however limited they are, and the treasure that they hence represent.”−Yves Sciama,Science et Vie, France(2015 Environmental Fellow)

“I absolutely loved the MBL Science Journalism Program. I loved my professors, their assistants, and the other fellows. To feel part of an actual scientific investigation made me understand, more than ever, what scientists go through with their work. I was also exposed to some state-of-the-art imaging tools, which was very exciting for me. To see how visual microbiology is becoming only inspires me (a documentary filmmaker) even more to want to communicate the work and discoveries of science to the public. —David Jacobson, Documentary Filmmaker, Los Angeles (2014 Biomedical Fellow)

“Showing journalists how painstaking is the scientific process is a great way to encourage journalists to be equally meticulous in our reporting of science. In effect, we should exercise just as much care with our coverage as scientists do with their research.”−Chris Joyce, NPR, Washington, D.C. (2015 Environmental Fellow)

“I walked away with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the most basic units of life−cells−and the complex dance of organelles and proteins interfacing inside the human body and other living organisms… By experiencing scientific research methods firsthand, I left this course feeling more empowered to approach complex stories on biomedical research.”−Nancy Eve Cohen, freelance radio journalist (2015 Biomedical Fellow)

“I’m a trained scientist (with a Ph.D. in chemical biology), and I still learned an immense amount from the Environmental Hands-on Course. … I feel much better prepared to tackle environmental reporting than I did before because I now have a much better understanding of the work these scientists do.”—Sarah Webb, Freelance Journalist (2014 Environmental Fellow)

“I found the fellowship to be tremendously valuable. Journalists never get a chance to do hands-on lab work; to get inside the minds of scientists in that way. This was a rare opportunity that’ll inform my reporting for many years to come.”—Julia Belluz, (2014 Biomedical Fellow)

“I found the experience fascinating and fulfilling. Most stories I have worked on focus on scientific work after it has been done. It is a rare experience for me to see it being done … This kind of an experience should be a requisite part of the career of any science journalist.”Erik Olsen,The New York Times(2013 Environmental Fellow)

“It was a wonderful way to see how, exactly, science works. As a journalist I pop in and out of labs and hear about the research after its completed. But participating in the research itself gave me a deep understanding of how long it takes to complete research, the attention to detail that’s required, and the *patience* that a scientist must have in order to come up with legitimate, reliable results.”—Erin Biba, Correspondent,Wired Magazine(2013 Environmental Fellow)

“The journalism industry is now suffering an unprecedented economic contraction and reorganization, just as science and technology writing is becoming ever more crucial to elucidating important public and societal debates. Educational programs such as the SJP are critical for preparing science/technology journalists to meet the forthcoming challenges.”—Steven Ashley,Scientific American(2012 Biomedical Fellow)

“Spending 10 days in the shoes of a scientist gives me a deeper perspective on what scientists do, what their motivations are, what questions I need to ask them and what kinds of stories are out there that I am missing.”Maggie Koerth-Baker,Boing,New York Times(2012 Environmental Fellow)

“The program was an invaluable introduction to cell biology, microscopy, and the life of a scientist. Despite being editor ofThe BiologistԱ, my degree is in physics … The hours I spent in the lab with professional biologists opened my eyes to the beauty and depth of a different science. It will have a huge impact on my editorship.”—Sue Nelson,The Biologist(2012 Biomedical Fellow)

“What a fabulous experience: Like stepping through the looking glass, sliding down the rabbit hole and finding oneself in the unfamiliar role of scientist. Even if only for a few days. The very best part was going through the whole process from working in the field, collecting data, evaluating what one has (or rather doesn’t have) and then presenting it, and not just have somebody speak about it. Even the most detailed and vivid talk leaves you on the outside. This is the closest one can come as a journalist to experiencing what if feels like to be scientist.”—Madeleine Amberger, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corp. (2012 Environmental Fellow)

“More and more, as magazines and newspapers cut their budgets, time becomes a rarer commodity for journalists. The time to immerse yourself in your subject matter, the time to converse with your peers, the time to question things, the time to let things sink in, the time for serendipity or creativity – all of it shrinks as the demands on journalists to multitask and produce material nonstop grow. The gift of time afforded by this fellowship may seem like a luxury, but when it comes to the job of communicating science to the public, such time spent in the field, with great peers, learning from great scientific minds, is not a luxury but essential. This fellowship is like a whetstone for us journalists: it sharpens our minds and hones our ability to communicate science accurately, passionately and infectiously.”—Anne Casselman,Գ(2013 Environmental Fellow)

“I feel that every science journalist should take this course. It is truly unique in letting reporters ‘step into the shoes’ of scientists … It was an excellent way for journalists to look at the science from the other side and also to cement their knowledge of basic scientific concepts. I know I will be using what I have learned for many years to come.”—Euna Lhee, freelance, Fulbright Young Journalist (2012 Biomedical Fellow)

“The SJP biomedical track gave me a lot of insight into the work scientists do and gave me long-term, unfettered access to scientists who think creatively and speak freely. I am certain that I am coming back from this program more prepared to do my job than before. The experience was overwhelmingly positive… and I largely credit the course directors, Kerry Bloom, Chad Pearson, and Racheal Bloom, for making it such a valuable encounter.”—Brendan Maher, senior editor,The Scientist(2007 Biomedical Fellow)

“The instructors in the SJP biomedical track were top-notch. Their lectures were clear and they were mixed well with the lab work.”—Stephanie Nano, supervisory editor/reporter, Associated Press (2007 Biomedical Fellow)

“It’s clear to me that my time at MBL made me a much better science journalist in three ways. First, I got a lot of bedrock knowledge in two fields—the basis of the ‘postgenomic’ era (at MBL) and ecology (at Toolik). Second, I saw how to improve my questions—that it’s important not to look for a bottom line, an answer, a good quotation, without also finding the intellectual context. Another way to put this is that science comes from its own context, and you can’t do good science writing if you don’t see how the work matters to scientists as well as to readers. Third, and most important, I learned, from the experience, to look for *how* scientists know things, not just *what* they know…it’s a rare day when I don’t think about how much the fellowship meant to me.”—David Berreby, freelance (1995 Fellow)


Biomedical Fellows:

Charles Bergquist, Director and Senior Producer, “Science Friday”
Katie Hunt, Science Writer/Editor, CNN (London, UK)
Petria Ladgrove, “What the Duck?!” Podcast Producer, Science Unit, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Blacki Migliozzi, Graphics Editor, The New York Times
Mohamed Mansour, Science Journalist, Scientific American (Cairo, Egypt)
Carlos Andres Serrano, Multimedia Broadcast Journalist, British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC)

Environmental Fellows:

Morgan Krakow, Reporter, Anchorage Daily News
Barbara Moran, Correspondent, WBUR (National Public Radio, Boston)
Annalee Newitz, Freelance Science Journalist (San Francisco)
Melba Newsome, Independent Journalist (Charlotte, NC)
Julia Sklar, Independent Science Journalist (Boston)
Duy Linh Tu, Documentary Filmmaker, Journalist, and Associate Professor at Columbia Graduate School of Journalism


Biomedical Fellows:

Hilary Brueck, Health Correspondent, Insider Ambika Kandasamy, Independent U.S. Journalist Judith Pyke, Documentary Filmmaker, Curious Features (Vancouver, Canada)
Matthew Reynolds, Senior Writer, WIRED (London, U.K.)
Frank Swain, Managing Editor, CORDIS (European Commission) (Barcelona, Spain)

Environmental Fellows:

Alla Katsnelson, Independent Journalist (Northampton, Mass.)
Sofia Moutinho, Correspondent, Science magazine (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Morgan McFall-Johnsen, Insider Sonali Prasad, Independent Journalist (New Delhi, India)
Molly Segal, Producer, Canadian Broadcast Corp. (Banff, Canada)
Paul Tullis, Independent Journalist (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


Biomedical Fellows:

James Dinneen, Freelance Journalist (New York City)
Dan Drollette, Jr., Deputy Editor, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Molly Enking, Weekend Digital Editor/Producer, PBS NewsHour Weekend
Alexa Kurzius, Managing Editor, Newsela
Cathy Shufro, Freelance Journalist (New Haven, CT)

Environmental Fellows:

Kyle Bagenstose, Investigative Reporter, Gannett/USA Today Network (Philadelphia)
Frederick Bever, Reporter/Producer, Maine Public Radio/New England News Collaborative
Katy Daigle, Climate Change Editor, Reuters
Tatiana Pardo Ibarra, Freelance Journalist (Bogotá, Colombia)
Andres Pruna, Producer/Editor, Univision KMEX (Los Angeles)


Biomedical Hands-On Course Fellows:
Harini Barath, Freelance Journalist (Hanover, New Hampshire)
Meclina Chirwa, Health Journalist, Timveni Radio and Television (Malawi, Africa)
Mélissa Guillemette, Reporter,Quebec Science(Montreal, Canada)
Nicole Maranhas, Writer and Editor, University of Rhode Island
Christie Taylor, Associate Producer,Science Friday(New York City)
Olivia Willis, Health Reporter, Australian Broadcast Corp.

Environmental Hands-On Course Fellows:
Pakinam Amer, Chief Editor,Nature Middle East
Olga Dobrovidova, Senior Editor,N+1(Moscow, Russia)
Richard Kemeny, Independent Science and Technology Journalist (São Paulo, Brazil)
Sarah Mizes-Tan, Reporter, WCAI (Cape Cod and Islands NPR)
Lucy Sherriff, Freelance Multimedia Journalist (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Catherine Wise, Independent Producer and Special Correspondent,PBS NewsHour


Biomedical Hands-On Course Fellows:
Cassie Chew, Freelance Journalist (Washington, D.C.)*
Tara Haelle, Independent Journalist (Peoria, IL)
Shayla Love, Staff Writer,Vice(Brooklyn, NY)*
Macon Morehouse, News Director,Science News(Washington, D.C.)
Irene Rodríguez-Salas, Science Journalist,La Naciónnewspaper (San José, Costa Rica)
Duanduan Yuan, Senior Journalist, Health & Environment,Southern Weekly(Beijing, China)*

Environmental Hands-On Course Fellows:
Katherine Bourzac, Freelance Journalist (San Francisco, CA)
Jes Burns, Multimedia Journalist,EarthFix, Oregon Public Broadcasting (Ashland, OR)*
Drew Costley, Freelance Multimedia Journalist (San Francisco, CA)
Lorelei Goff, Freelance Journalist (Greeneville, TN)
Suzanna Masih, Senior Sub-Editor,The News International(Karachi, Pakistan)
Mićo Tatalović, Environment News Editor,New Scientist(London, UK)

*Chicago Fellowship Recipient


Biomedical Hands-On Course Fellows:
Jamie DePolo,
Anna Nowogrodzki, Freelance (based in Massachusetts)
Regan Penaluna,Nautilus Magazine*
Leah Samuel,Boston Globe/STAT
Warren Tong,
Chelsea Wald, Freelance (based in The Netherlands)

Environmental Hands-On Course Fellows:
Denise Hruby,Sixth Tone(China)
Sarah Kaplan,The Washington Post
Craig LeMoult,WGBH (National Public Radio, Boston)
María Mónica Monsalve,El Espectador(Colombia)
Marcus Woo, Freelance (based in California)*
Lina Zeldovich, Freelance (based in New York)*

* Chicago Fellowship Recipient

Chicago Fellowship Only:

Kathiann Kowalski, Freelance (based in Ohio)


Biomedical Fellows:
Lisa Gillespie,Kaiser Health News
Phoebe Hall,Brown Medicine
Alec Hamilton, WNYC (NPR)
Rod McCullom, Freelance Global Health Writer and Producer
Sudhi Oberoi, Indian Institute of Science
Michael Stone, Freelance Journalist
Mark Wolverton*, Freelance Science Writer/Author

*Woods Hole Fellow

Environmental Fellows:
Shanna Baker,Hakai Magazine
Jennifer Barrios,Newsday
Bethany Brookshire*,Science News
Sasha Chapman*, Freelance Journalist
David Levin,Pellet Productions
Emiliano Rodríguez Mega, Freelance Science Journalist

*Alaska Field Experience Fellowship


Environmental Fellows:
Carolyn Beeler, WHYY (NPR, Philadephia)
Giovana Girardi,O Estado de S. Paulo(Brazil)
Christopher Joyce, National Public Radio (Washington, D.C.)
Amy Quinton, Capitol Public Radio (NPR, Sacramento, Calif.)
Yves Sciama,Science et Vie(France)
Christopher Smith Gonzalez,Galveston County Daily News(Texas)
Meera Subramanian**, freelance journalist (Cape Cod)
Michael Werner**, freelance journalist/filmmaker (Seattle)

**Arctic Field Experience Fellow

Biomedical Fellows:
Steven Ashley, freelance journalist (New York)*
Rachael Buchanan, BBC News
Nancy Cohen, freelance radio journalist (Connecticut)
Jin Nishikawa*,The Asahi Shimbun(Tokyo)
Jane Palmer, freelance journalist and radio producer (Colorado)
Sumathi Reddy,The Wall Street Journal
Mark Wolverton, freelance science writer and author (Pennsylvania)

*Woods Hole Fellow


Environmental Fellows:
Catalina Arévalo, Environmental Correspondent, EFE News Service
Nick Clark, Anchor/Correspondent, Al Jazeera English
Karin Klein, Editorial Writer,Los Angeles Times**
Codi (Yeager) Kozacek, Reporter,Circle of Blue**
Susan Phillips, Energy Reporter, WHNY/National Public Radio
Fabien Tepper, Staff Writer,The Christian Science Monitor
Sarah Webb, Freelance Journalist, based in Tennessee

**Alaska Field Experience Fellow

Biomedical Fellows:
Madeleine Amberger, Science Correspondent, Austrian Broadcasting Corp. (ORF)
Julia Belluz, Health Reporter, VOX Media
David Jacobson, Independent Filmmaker, based in Los Angeles*
Wojciech (Voytek) Mikoluszko, Freelance Journalist, based in Warsaw*
Yves Sciama, Freelance Journalist, based in Grenoble
Eric Sorensen, Science Writer,Washington State Magazine

* Woods Hole Fellow

Environmental Fellows:
Sabri Ben-Achour, General Assignment Reporter, Marketplace Productions
Erin Biba, Correspondent,WIRED Magazine
Anne Casselman; Freelance Science Journalist
Lisbeth Fog, Freelance Journalist – Communications Research
Christy George, Independent Journalist – Public TV
Sean Gonsalves, Columnist,Cape Cod Times
Wojciech Mikoluszko, Freelance Science Journalist
James Motavalli, Freelance Writer
Erik Olsen, Video Journalist,The New York Times
Stephanie Paige Ogburn, Reporter, E&E News/ClimateWire
Brian Owens, Freelance
Vince Patton, Reporter/Producer – Oregon Public Broadcasting

Biomedical Fellows
Steven Ashley, Contributing Editor,Scientific American
Catherine de Lange, Freelance Journalist, Multimedia Producer
Alaina Levine, Freelance Journalist
Euna Lhee, Freelance Journalist*
Sue Nelson, Boffin Media; Editor,The Biologist
*Waksman Fellow

Environmental Fellows
Madeleine Amberger, ORF (Austrian Broadcasting)
Karin Klein,Los Angeles Times
Maggie Koerth-Baker,
Eric Niiler,Discovery News
Maria Stenzel, Freelance Photo Journalist
Kathiann Kowalski, Freelance writer

Biomedical Fellows:
Dan Vergano,USA Today
Jonathan Rockoff,The Wall Street Journal**
Shar Levine, Freelance
Kate Travis,Science Careers
Brooke Borel,Popular Science
Wynne Parry,LiveScience
Miranda Van Gelder,Martha Stewart Living

** Waksman Fellow

Environmental Fellows:
Vikki Valentine, NPR
Claudio Angelo,Folha de São Paulo
Jennifer Smith,Newsday*
Margot Roosevelt,LA Times*
Asher Price,Austin-American Statesman
Sharon Oosthoek, Freelance
Steven Ashley,Scientific American
Aleida Rueda Rodriguez, Radio Mexican Institute

* Alaska Fellow


Biomedical Fellows
Joseph Caputo, Staff Writer, KnowAtom, LLC
Amos Esty, Managing Editor,Dartmouth Medical Magazine
Tina Hesman Saey, Molecular Biology Writer,Science News*
Melanie Kaplan, Contributing Editor, CBS SmartPlanet
Onche Odeh, Senior Science Correspondent,Daily Independentnewspaper, Nigeria
Melissa Salpietra, Managing Editor, Nova Online, WGBH
Cassandra Willyard, Freelance Science Writer

Polar Fellows (Alaska Field Experience)
Victoria Barber, News Editor,The Arctic Sounder
Michael Barnes, Freelance Science Documentary Producer/Director
Jennifer Bogo,Popular Mechanics*
Julia Gross, Freelance Print Journalist, Germany
Louisa Jonas, Louisa Jonas Media
Julia Kumari Drapkin,Global Post, Argentina Correspondent
Susan Moran, Freelance Print Journalist*
Jane Qiu,Nature Magazine*
Ben Shaw, Producer/Editor,National Geographic Weekend
Chelsea Wald, Freelance Science Journalist
Gretchen Weber, Associate Producer,Climate Watch, KQED

* Also selected for a month at Palmer Station, Antarctica

Kevin Begos,Winston-Salem Journal
Elia Ben-Ari,dzԳ
Cynthia Berger, Finger Lakes Productions
Seth Borenstein, Knight Ridder Newspapers
Leo Enright, BBC
Dan Fagin,Newsday
Ken Garber, Freelance
Jessica Gorman, American Association for Cancer Research
William Hathaway,Hartford Courant
Laura Helmuth,Science
Mike Mansur,Kansas City Star
Roger Martin, University of Kansas
Vivien Marx, Freelance
Gianna Milano, Mondadori Publishing Company
Sasha Nemecek,Scientific American
David Poulson, Booth Newspapers
Sonya Senkowsky,Anchorage Daily News
Bari Scott, SoundVision Productions
Laura Tangley,National Wildlife

Christopher Anderson,San Antonio Express-News
Hannah Bonner, Freelance Illustrator
Dorian Devins, Freelance
Kevin Fitzgerald, Freelance
Diedtra Henderson,Boston Globe
Mari Jensen,Tucson Citizen
Aries Keck, Freelance
David Kestenbaum, NPR
Subhadra Menon, Freelance
Melissa Mertl, BioMedNet
Steve Mirsky,Scientific American
Kerstin Osterberg,Ny Teknik
Christina Reed,Geotimes
Antonio Regalado,Wall Street Journal
Andromeda Romano-Lax, Freelance
Christine Soares, Freelance
Volker Steger, Freelance Photographer
Lori Valigra, Freelance

Ruth Helena Bellinghini, Freelance
David Berreby, Freelance
Agnieszka Biskup, Freelance
Jennifer Bogo,Popular Mechanics
Kandice Carter,Science Update
Dale Dempsey,Dayton Daily News
Katherine Griffen, Freelance
A.J. Hostetler,Richmond Times-Dispatch
Robert King,The Palm Beach Post
Jeremy Manier,Chicago Tribune
Diran Onifade, Nigerian Television Authority, Lagos
Rebecca Perry,Los Angeles Times
Mary Lou Reker, Library of Congress
Vikki Valentine, National Public Radio Online
Gary Wisby,Chicago Sun-Times

Gino Del Guercio, Documentary filmmaker
Elizabeth DeVita, Freelance
Nicola Jones, Reporter,Nature
Andrew Jordan, Freelance
Sanjay Kumar, Freelance, India
Sharon Levy, Freelance
Naomi Lubick, Freelance
Erik Mellgren,Ny Teknik, Sweden
Amanda Onion,
Jordi Ortega, Freelance reporter-producer
David Perlman,San Francisco Chronicle
John Ryan, Freelance
Ilsa Setziol, Southern California Public Radio
Natasha Singer,Outside Magazine
Wendy Wolfson, Freelance

John Carey,BusinessWeek
Catherine Clabby,News & Observer
Rebecca Clarren, Freelance
Graham Collins,Scientific American
Adele Conover, Freelance
Elizabeth Cooney,Telegram & Gazette
Elizabeth Grossman, Freelance
Karen Heyman, Freelance
Diana Kenney,Cape Cod Times
Jacqueline Mow, Freelance
Eugene Russo, Freelance

James Bruggers,The Courier-Journal
Ingfei Chen, Freelance
Herton Escobar,O Estado de S. Paulo, Brazil
Helen Fields,U.S. News & World Report
Rosanna Hansen, Freelance
Hannah Hoag, Freelance
Kristan Hutchinson,The Antarctic Sun
Taro Mitamura,NHK (Japan)
Liza Mundy,The Washington Post
Lisa Rossi,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Mike Stark,The Billings Gazette
Jeff Tollefson,Santa Fe New Mexican
Sarah Zielinski,Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Marc Airhart,Earth & Sky
Anton Caputo,San Antonio Express News
Allan Coukell, WBUR-FM
Mary Engel,Los Angeles Times
Richard Hollingham, BBC
Susan Kruglinski,DiscoverԱ
Jim Metzner,Pulse of the Planet
Natasha Mitchell, Australian Broadcasting Corp.
Molly Murray,The News Journal
Gary Robbins,Orange County Register
Susanne Rust,Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Corinna Wu,AAAS Science Update

E. Anne Bolen,Geotimes
Andrea Cross, Freelance producer
Richard Friebe,FAZ
Jude Isabella,۷magazine
Corie Lok,Nature Network Boston
Brendan Maher,Nature
Stephanie Nano, Associated Press
Sally Palmer,BBC FocusѲԱ
Rosanne Skirble, Voice of America
Peter Thomson, PRI’s Living on Earth
Tetsuro Yamada,Yomiuri Shimbun

Polar Fellows (Alaska Field Experience)
Alan Burdick*, Author & Freelance Writer
Scott Canon*, National Correspondent, The Kansas City Star
Nancy Cohen, Environmental Reporter, WNPR
Carrie Peyton Dahlberg, Senior Writer, Sacramento Bee
Christine Dell’Amore,Editor, National Geographic News
Leslie Dodson, Freelance Science Correspondent, NBC WeatherPlus
Marilia Melo Juste Dini, Reporter, G1/
Richard Morgan, Freelance
Jason Orfanon*, Producer, National Public Radio
Wade Rawlins, Environmental Reporter, The News & Observer
*also selected for additional month at Palmer Station, Antarctica

Biomedical Fellows
Marie Alpman,Ny Teknik
Jeffrey Evans,International Medical News Group
Sam Kean,Science & Spirit
Kathiann Kowalski, Freelance
Lisa Jarvis,Chemical & Engineering News
Emily Stone, Freelance

Polar Fellows (Alaska Field Experience)
Jude Isabella,YES Magazine
Lisa Jarvis,Chemical & Engineering News
Tracey Logan, Freelance
Alisa Opar,Audubon Magazine
Jane Qiu,Nature Magazine
Charles Ray, South Dakota Public Broadcasting
Kelly Rockwell, Greenrock Pictures
Emily Stone, Freelance
Angela Posada-Swafford, Muy Interesante*
Jennifer Weiss,The Star-Ledger

*also selected for additional month at Palmer Station, Antarctica

Biomedical Fellows
Kimani Chege, Science Development Network
Julia Kumari Drapkin, Stringer, “PRI, The World”
Christine Junge, Harvard Health Publications
Massimo Roncati, L’Hobby Della Scienza e Della Technica
Juliana Tiraboschi,Galileu Magazine

Rex Dalton,San Diego Union-Tribune
Robin Henig, Freelance
Bruce Jacobs, Freelance
Bill Krasean,Kalamazoo Gazette
June Kinoshita, Freelance
Keming Kuo, Voice of America
Beth Livermore, Freelance
Michael Skoler, National Public Radio
Bill Snyder,Nashville Banner
Pamela Weintraub,Omni
Rick Weiss,The Washington Post

Sandra Ackerman, Freelance
Pamela Adkins, Merck & Co.
David Baron,The World
Sandra Blakeslee,New York Times
David Bulloch, Freelance
Doron Dagani,Chemical & Engineering News
Blake Edgar, University of California Press
Nancy Ehrlich,Scientific American Medicine
Lew Frederick, Portland Public Schools, OR
Rebecca Kolberg, National Public Radio
Susan Laughlin, affiliation unknown
David Schwartz, Freelance

Stephen Braun, Freelance
Robert Cooke, Freelance
Elizabeth Culotta, Freelance
Heather Dewar,The Baltimore Sun
Donald Frederick, Freelance
David Graham,San Diego Union-Tribune
Jeff Hecht,New Scientist
Rebecca Perl, Freelance
John Schieszer, KPLR-TV, St. Louis, MO
Cindy Schreuder, Chicago Tribune
Joannie Schrof,U.S. News & World Report

Emilia Askari,Detroit Free Press
Cheryl Clark,San Diego Union-Tribune
Andrea (Conley) Early,Marine Biological Laboratory
Bonnie Gordon, Freelance
Peter Lord,Providence Journal
Kim Anthony McDonald, UC, San Diego
Dennis Meredith, Duke University
Michael Milstein,Billings Gazette
Steven Mirsky,Scientific American
Ann Gibbons Scherlis,Science
John Travis,Science News
Barbara Vonarburg,Tages-Anzeiger

Pallava Bagla, Freelance, India
Yvonne Baskin, Freelance
Cara Birrittieri, Reuters
Giovanna Breu,People
Matthew Crenson, Associated Press
Diane Duthie, CBC-TV, Canada
Alberto Enriquez,Mail Tribune
Paul Gasek, Stony Brook Films
Scott LaFee,San Diego Union-Tribune
Ed Regis, Freelance
Richard Saltus, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Richard Stone,Science
Mutsumi Yoshida, Freelance
David Zimmerman,PROBE

Laura Beil,Dallas Morning News
David Berreby, Freelance
Jim Dawson,Minneapolis Star Tribune
Bill Dietrich, Freelance
Joshua Fischman,US News & World Report
Vincent Kiernan,New Scientist
Kim Motylewski, National Public Radio
Gary Robbins,Orange County Register
John Schwartz,The New York Times
James Shreeve, Freelance
Ruth SoRelle, Baylor College of Medicine
Traci Watson,U.S. News & World Report
Mark Wheeler, Freelance

Leigh Fenly,San Diego Union-Tribune
Karen Fox, Freelance
Josie Glausiusz,Discover
Kevin Krajick, Freelance
Richard Lipkin, Freelance
Kathleen McAuliffe, Freelance
Ridgely Ochs,Newsday
Wallace Ravven, UCSF
Kathy Sawyer, Freelance
Julie Titone,The Spokesman-Review
Lisa Seachrist, Freelance
Mark Ward,Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Marc Airhart, Earth & Sky Radio Series
Rita Baron-Faust, WCBS NewsRadio 88
Steven Benowitz, Thomas Jefferson Univ.
Lynne Cherry, Author of children’s books
Carol Ezzell, Freelance
John Fleischman, Am. Soc. Cell Biology
Ronny Frishman,INQUIRY
Marguerite Holloway,Scientific American
Meredith Small, Freelance
Terra Ziporyn, Freelance

Monica Allen,The Standard-Times, New Bedford
Kevin Carmody, deceased
Thomas Carney,Des Moines Register
Randall Edwards,Columbus Dispatch
Don Finley,San Antonio Express-News
Joel Greenberg,The Los Angeles Times
Ralph Haurwitz,Austin American-Statesman
Diedtra Henderson,Boston Globe
Edie Lau,Sacramento Bee
Larry Proulx,International Herald Tribune
Frank Roylance,Baltimore Sun
Angela Swafford, Mas Vida/CBS
Diane Toomey, NPR’s Living on Earth
Ulysses Torassa,San Francisco Chronicle
Karin Vergoth, NPR’s Science Friday
Joby Warrick,The Washington Post
Philip Yam,Scientific American

David Ballingrud,St. Petersburg Times
Todd Bates,Asbury Park Press
Perry Beeman,The Des Moines Register
Michael K. Burns,The Baltimore Sun
Nancy Cohen, Freelance
Lori Cuthbert, Discovery Channel Online
Lisa Eckelbecker,Worcester Telegram & Gazette
James Erickson,Arizona Daily Star
Daniel Grossman, Freelance
Cheryl Hogue,Chemical & Engineering News
Carolyn Lesser, Author of children’s books
Barbara Moran, NOVA
Noreen Parks, Freelance
Mindy Pennybacker,The Green Guide
Carol Potera, Freelance
Graciela Rogerio, WABC-TV
Gretel Schueller, Freelance
Alexandra Witze,The Dallas Morning News

B. D. Colen, Harvard University news office
Philip J. Hilts, Freelance
Debora MacKenzie,New Scientist
Julie Ann Miller,Science News
Paul Raeburn, Freelance
Jonathan Weiner, Freelance

Sharon Begley,Wall Street Journal
Stephen Doig, Arizona State University
Edward Edelson, Freelance
Peggy Girshman, National Public Radio
Elizabeth Pennisi,Science
Boyce Rensberger, MIT
Robert Stein,The Washington Post
Wendy Williams, Freelance
Gayle Young,National Geographic

Ivan Amato, Freelance
Margo Crabtree, affiliation unknown
Frederic Golden, U. California
Robert Kanigel, MIT
Eric Keller, Freelance
Mary Knudson, Freelance
Warren Kornberg, Freelance
Chris Raymond,ASTC

Margaret DiCanio, Freelance
Mark Jaffe, Freelance
Wallace Kaufman, Freelance
Larry Katzenstein,American Health
Susan Okie, New England Journal of Medicine