MBL Society Membership Criteria and Procedures

Adopted by the MBL Society on July 1, 2020

  • I. Membership in MBL Society
  • Membership is open to scientists with a history at or demonstrated interest in the MBL. This includes resident and staff scientists, Whitman Center scientists, MBL and Early Career Fellows, course faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and emeritus scientists. Membership is also open to individuals who have served the Laboratory in some significant capacity.
  • II. Process for Admission
  • Individuals seeking membership may be nominated for consideration by Society members or by self-nomination.
  • Application includes a completed application form, curriculum vitae, and two (2) endorsements by Society Members.
  • Science Council members review applications for approval at its meetings.
  • III. Terms
  • Members in good standing shall serve for the term designated in the ƬƬ Bylaws. A member may be reviewed at the request of any other member and removed by the Science Council, if grounds are found for such removal, by the affirmative vote of the majority of the members.
  • To remain a member in good standing, members must opt-in yearly via an annual Society membership email.
  • IV. Communication
  • The Speaker of the MBL Society will regularly receive advice and input from MBL Society members and representatives of the broader ƬƬ community on matters to be addressed at the meetings of the Council.
  • The Chair of the Council will prepare a written report addressing the issues raised by the Speaker and other matters following each Council meeting.
  • The Speaker will share these reports with the MBL Society and the MBL Administration.
  • The Director will report to the Board of Trustees on the activities of the Science and Community Councils.
  • A member of Senior Leadership at the University of Chicago will meet once per year with the Chairs of the Science and Community Councils and Speaker.
  • V. Speaker of MBL Society
  • Duties
  • The Speaker of the MBL Society serves as a facilitator of communication between the Society at large, the Science and Community Councils, and the MBL Director.
  • The Speaker shall sit ex officio and non-voting on the MBL Society Science Council and Community Council and ensure communication between Society Councils and the Society.
  • The Speaker will regularly receive advice and input from Society members and representatives of the broader ƬƬ community to address at the meetings of the Councils.
  • The Speaker will deliver a report of activity from the Society Councils to the Society, as prepared by the Chair of each respective Council, following each Council meeting.
  • The Speaker may call for votes by Society members on proposals to the Society.
  • The Speaker shall preside over the Annual Meeting of the MBL Society.
  • Election of the Speaker
  • MBL Society members in good standing, except for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students, are eligible for election to the office of Speaker.
  • The Speaker shall be elected by MBL Society members
  • MBL Society members may be nominated for consideration as Speaker by other members or by self-nomination
  • The current Speaker and Chairs and Vice Chairs of the two Society Councils will prepare a slate from the nominations for Speaker in consultation with the MBL Director to be voted on by MBL Society members.
  • Speaker Term
  • The Speaker will be appointed for a term not to exceed four (4) years.
  • The incoming Speaker (Speaker-Elect) will be elected at the beginning of the fourth year of the current Speaker’s tenure to provide overlap, serving one year as Speaker-Elect and four years as Speaker.
  • Should the Speaker resign from the position before the end of four years, a new Speaker will be elected.
  • Annual Meeting Duties
  • At the Annual Meeting of the MBL Society, the Speaker shall:
    • Preside over the meeting.
    • Prepare and present a report on behalf of the Society.
    • Request reports and presentations from:
      • Science Council Chair
      • Community Council Chair
      • Director
      • Director of the Division of Research (optional)
      • Director of Education (optional)
      • Chief Operating Officer (optional)
      • Chief Advancement Officer (optional)
    • Provide a written summary of the main topics covered during the Annual Meeting to members of the MBL Society and MBL Administration following the meeting.
  • VI. Conflict with Bylaws
  • In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these MBL Society Membership Criteria and Procedures and the MBL Bylaws, the MBL Bylaws shall control.