Instructor: Claudia Geib
Contact: / (508) 296-4058
Location: Starr Room 209

Download PDF of this page here.

Description & Goals

Three decades ago, Carl Sagan wrote, “We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.” This sentence still rings true today. There are many factors you could blame: the education system, U.S. politics, social media, misinformation, the TV news cycle, or increasingly siloed scientific fields. In reality, all of these factors play a role. Here’s another to add to the list: scientists are trained to explain their work to other scientists, but not to the public at large.

Simultaneously, most members of the public do not have the training to read and understand scientific research. Yet that does not mean the public lacks an interest in science. According to Pew Research polls, the majority of Americans are interested in learning about science, health, and technology. If scientists want to help this interested public look past misinformation, trust in research, and vote for science-based solutions, there’s one major thing they can do: learn how to communicate their science clearly and concisely, without the specialized jargon often found in scientists’ writing.

That’s what you’re here to learn. No matter what path you choose to follow professionally, you will leave the course with the skills to construct simple and compelling stories from complex scientific ideas, and to convey accuracy without sacrificing clarity.

About the Instructor

(she/her) is a freelance science journalist based here on Cape Cod. Her work primarily focuses on the environment, marine science, and wildlife, though she has reported on topics ranging from astrophysics to meteorology to health. She is the producer of , a podcast that looks at science and history through food. She also works as a researcher, producer, and script writer on science films, as well as an occasional fact-checker. She holds a master’s degree in science writing from MIT and is the author of the book Secrets of the Elephants from National Geographic as well as a forthcoming book on ocean exploration and technology from Johns Hopkins University Press.

Reading Assignments:

Your four reading assignments are not graded or checked; rather, they will provide material for thoughtful discussion in class. Additionally, reading others’ writing is one of the best ways to learn style, structure, and form, and to gain ideas for your own work. The more you read, the better you will write.

For each assignment, there will be 3-4 options of published stories that fit the discussion topic. Please read at least one; if you wish, read them all! See pg 5 for a detailed breakdown of each assignment, which can also be found in the Assignments tab on Canvas.

Writing Assignments:

You will complete three writing assignments of progressively longer lengths, from 400 to 800 to 1500+ words. All writing assignments should be submitted via UChicago Canvas (in the form of a Word document) by the time class begins on the due date. Please do not submit assignments by email. Revisions will be returned electronically via Canvas. See pg 8 for a detailed breakdown of each assignment, which can also be found in the Assignments tab on Canvas.

For all writing submissions, please title your document with your first name, last initial, and the assignment number as “-a#.” (So if your name is Jane Doe, your title for the first assignment would be “JaneD-a1.doc). This might sound like a nitpicky request, but really helps me keep track of everyone’s work!


Writing Assignments: You will receive an initial grade (out of 100) for the unedited version of your assignments. If you complete the revisions and send them back to me, your final grade will be based on the revised version. These assignments make up the bulk (85%) of your grade in this class.

Participation: In order to facilitate discussion in class, participation makes up 15% of your grade in this seminar. The best way to ensure a good participation grade is to complete your reading assignments before class and take notes on questions, thoughts, and concerns about the topics that we are discussing.

Note: You do not need to ask dozens of questions per class in order to earn a good participation grade; however, I will be taking note of who is engaged and appears to be thinking critically about the material, and how that translates to your participation in class.

Need Help?

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or if you’d like to arrange an appointment, which can be held either in-person or virtually via video call.

Seminar Schedule

Friday, September 6 (1:30 – 3 p.m.) – Science Writing Basics

  • Different types of science writing
    • Science journalism: Topics vs. Stories
  • How to read (and translate) a scientific paper
    • The Craft of Science Writing: How to Read A Scientific Paper (pg 232)
  • Story structure
  • In-class exercise: Writing a compelling story lede
    • Reading Assignment #1

Friday, September 13 (1:30 – 3 p.m.) – Interviewing

  • Please complete reading assignment #2 ahead of class.
  • Finding & contacting sources
  • Interview basics & ethics
  • In-class exercise: What makes a good quote?

Friday, September 20 - NO CLASS

  • Reminder: Writing Assignment #1 due on Canvas by midnight

Friday, September 27 (1:30 – 3 p.m.) – Class with MBL Seminar speaker

  • Practicing interview skills
  • Seminar Activity #1 due on Canvas by midnight Sunday, Sep 29
  • Reminder: quotes gathered from this presentation & class will be used for Writing Assignment #2

Friday, October 4 (1:30 –3 p.m.) – Institutional Science Writing

  • Please complete reading assignment #3 ahead of class.
  • Guest speakers: Diana Kenney and Emily Greenhalgh - MBL Press Office
    • REMINDER: Please bring a few ideas to class next Friday for brainstorming your final projects

Friday, October 11 - Science in Multimedia

  • Podcasts, science documentaries, graphics, and more
  • In-class exercise: What makes science multimedia compelling? (listening + discussion session)
    • In-class exercise: Brainstorming final projects
      • Please bring a few ideas to class about the paper you’d like to cover and the format you’d like to follow

Friday, October 18 (1:30 –3 p.m.) – Writing Longer Stories

  • How to use science papers to write features

Friday, October 25 (1:30 –3 p.m.)- Class with MBL Seminar Speaker

  • Applying interviewing skills
  • Seminar Activity #2 due on Canvas by midnight Sunday, Oct 20
  • Writing assignment #2 due

Friday, November 1 (1:30 – 3 p.m.) – Presenting Your Science (SPEAKER/s TBD)

  • How can researchers effectively present their science to fellow scientists and the public in a way that’s effective yet easy to understand?
  • How to talk to journalists
  • In-class exercise: The “elevator pitch”

Friday, November 8 (1:30 – 3 p.m.) - Final seminar! Ethics in Science and Science Writing / Making a career, hobby, or art of science writing

  • Please complete reading assignment #4 ahead of class.
  • Ethics in Science and Science Writing
    • In-class activity and discussion: Identifying bias and conflicts of interest in scientific research
  • How do I freelance? Finding stories, pitching articles, and staying sane
    • Jobs in science writing
    • Blogging, essaying, book writing and more
  • First draft of writing assignment #3 is due by midnight!

Friday, November 15 (1:30 – 3 p.m.) - Class with MBL Seminar Speaker

  • Seminar Activity #3 due on Canvas by midnight Sunday, November 17
  • Reminder: Final draft of writing assignment #3 is due by the end of term. (December 20)

Reading Assignment #1: The Art & Science of Storytelling

We will go over this guide from The Craft of Science Writing together:

  • How to Read A Scientific Paper (pg 232)

The following science reporting options cover news updates using narrative, unique structure, and/or a strong voice. You will select one to read and discuss during our lede workshop in class.

“” (PDF on Canvas)

“” “” (PDF on Canvas)


Reading Assignment #2: Interviewing

Please read the following from The Craft of Science Writing:

  • Is Anyone Out There? Sourcing News Stories (pg 123)
  • How to Conduct Difficult Interviews (pg 138)
  • Including Diverse Voices in Science Stories (pg 145)

The following science stories do an exceptional job of integrating interviews into the story. Please read at least one of the following published works before class on Sep. 13.


“Ę” “”


Reading Assignment #3: Institutional Science Writing

The following science stories are examples of institutional science writing produced by our guests: Diana Kenney, MBL's Associate Director of Communications, and Emily Greenhalgh, MBL's Digital Media Manager.

Please read/watch them before class on Friday, October 4, when we will be discussing institutional writing with these members of the MBL Press Office.

Breakthrough Prize Recognizes Discovery at MBL of New Organizing Principle in Cells (Writing: Diana; Visual Timeline: Emily)

Cuttlefish Flamboyant on Special Occasions Only (Writing: Diana; Video Explainer: Emily)

Reading Assignment #4: Ethical Reporting

Please read the following from The Craft of Science Writing:

  • A Conversation with Annie Waldman on ‘How Hospitals Are Failing Black Mothers’ (pg 166)
  • A Conversation with Linda Nordling on ‘How Decolonization Could Reshape South African Science’ (pg 215)
  • Spotting Shady Statistics (pg 244)

The following science stories are instructive cases of how journalists can develop stories while keeping inequity and justice in mind. Please read at least one of the following published works before our final seminar on Nov. 8.

“ ” (PDF on Canvas)


“” (PDF on Canvas)

“ ”

Writing Assignment #1: Translate Science into English

Choose one of six recent scientific papers (sent by email after class) and write an accessible and engaging news story about it. No interviews are required. 300-500 words. Due Sept. 20 via Canvas.

Writing Assignment #2: Tell A Short Science Story

Apply the techniques we have discussed in class to your first short science story based on the presentation and research of our first MBL Seminar Speaker (Sparkle Malone; Seminar on Friday, September 27). Choose one of her scientific papers discussed and develop it into a 600-800 word story, using quotes from our in-class exercise as your “interview” with the speaker. Due Oct. 25 via Canvas. Earn extra credit (up to 15 points) by interviewing an outside expert.

Writing Assignment #3: Final Project

Choose a recently-published scientific paper and, using the skills we’ve discussed in class so far, develop it into a form that’s easily understood by the public. Use your imagination and make something that would connect with you as a reader or viewer! For example, some potential forms you might follow:

  • A traditional science journalism feature story or profile (include at least 1 interview)
  • A comic
  • An infographic
  • A “podcast episode” (either a script based on actual interviews or actually recorded/edited)
  • A recorded NPR-style interview
  • A song
  • A short play or video

This project can be done in a group, but please meet with me to discuss how each member of that group will contribute to the whole. First draft due Nov 8. Final draft due by the end of term.

Examples of each form for the final project are provided below.

  • Science Feature: A reported exploration of a recent science advance or trend
    • Kathryn Schulz’s Pulitzer Prize-winning “”
    • Sarah Gilman’s “”
    • Ed Yong’s Pulitzer Prize-winning
    • Nicola Twilley’s “”
      **For a behind-the-scenes look at this story, see The Open Notebook’s
  • Scientist Profile: An exploration of an individual’s work, life, and impact
    • Rachel E. Gross’
    • Cory S. Powell’s
    • Erica Klarreich’s
    • Darcy Fray’s
  • Science Comic: Using imagery and narrative to tell a science story
    • by Michael Keller
    • by Mark Schultz; Art by Zander Cannon and Kevin Cannon
    • by Sydney Padua
  • Scientific Infographic: A graphic that uses imagery, structure and wording to explain a scientific concept
    • - Ignasi Bartomeus & Yael Kisel
    • - Jason Treat & Bryan Christie
    • - American Chemical Society (image download)
    • - American Chemical Society (image download)
  • Science Video
    • - Brainscoop by Emily Graslie
    • - SciShow by Hank Green
    • - Science Magazine
    • - Minute Physics by Henry Reich
  • Science Podcast Episode or Radio Interview
    • - Science Friday (radio interview)
    • - Science Friday (radio interview)
    • - Radiolab (podcast episode)
    • - Gastropod (podcast episode)
    • - How to Save A Planet (podcast episode)
  • Personal Essay (integrating scientific research with personal experiences)
    • The "Mother of the Year" Who Starved Herself for 53 Months by Sabrina Imbler (The Atlantic)
      • If you're interested in this format, look at more of Sabrina's work - they do an amazing job of integrating marine science into the personal essay format.
    • by Dianna Gagnon (past SES student)
    • by Khahn Ton (past SES student)

Feature Writing Tips

To come up with your final project, you may find it helpful to review the selections from Writing Assignment #1 in order to ensure you have a solid story idea. I also recommend taking a look at “Is This A Story? How to Evaluate Your Ideas Before You Pitch” on pg 63—the infographic on pg 66-67 is particularly good —as well as the pitches in “What Makes A Good Pitch? Annotations from the Open Notebook Database,” on pg 94 of The Craft of Science Writing, which will help familiarize you with how science writers structure ideas for pitching stories.

Seminar Activities

The SES Speaker series provides a great opportunity to work on interviewing skills while in a low-pressure environment. While our speaker is giving their lecture, please think about 2-3 questions you would ask if you were interviewing this speaker, and collect 1-2 quotes that you think would be a good addition to an article about their work.

Remember, these questions should relate to topics that you could answer by reading their papers or by listening to a lecture —though they can be scientific in nature, or clarifying if there is something you don’t understand!—but instead provide first-person insight that you could only gain by talking to this person.

Some general examples:

  • “How did you feel when you realized the potential applications of your research?”
  • “What was the first thing that came to mind when you achieved [X result] in your work?”
  • “What are the big unsolved mysteries in your field? If there was one question you could answer tomorrow, what would it be?”
  • “How does your work relate to [X specific aspect] of your life?” or, “How does [X aspect of your work - going to sea, traveling, performing experiments on animals] influence how you see things in your daily life?”

Similar to the above, good quotes provide color, personality, and emotional heft to work; they explain things in a way that scientific writing cannot, and show who the interviewee is as a person.

Some guiding examples:

A bad quote: “In spring of 2020 the Lobster Foundation of Massachusetts found funding to purchase equipment,” Pugh said. “It's a deck box and suite of data loggers. The data are loggers about the length of your forearm, and they go into lobster traps. Those loggers are continuously recording dissolved oxygen and temperature data.”

  • Why is this a bad quote? Because it provides basic information that could have been described much faster, and with more interest, by the writer. It doesn’t give us any sense of description, personality or color in the story.

A good quote: “The funding from the Lobster Foundation of Massachusetts changed everything for this research,” Pugh said. “Every time a logger goes in a trap, that’s one more blip of information that appears on our map. It’s like we have a continuous birds-eye view of how conditions are changing in the bay.”

  • Why is this a good quote? It contains opinion and emotion, giving us a sense of how Pugh feels about the research we’re describing. It’s also descriptive and colorful and helps the reader to picture what these data loggers are providing.

A bad quote: “There was a technology demonstration conceived using change detection and tracking techniques on the AI vision processing side,” says Doyle.

“We felt we had the means to be able to detect dust devils and track them while they were occurring. There was an experiment to do exactly that, and it was successful, designed carefully with the scientists so that when a dust devil is tracked there is a whole data package assembled.”

  • Why is this a bad quote? It’s full of jargon, including words that the writer would have to cut out of the quote to then explain to the reader. (“change detection,” and “AI vision processing.”) While Doyle seems to be telling us something emotional in the first half of the quote — “we felt we had the means…” — the second half of the quote describes something that the writer could have explained with more description and better details.

A good quote: “For a long time we assumed that we would always miss weather events like this, because by the time we realized something interesting was unfolding on Mars, that data was hours or even days old,” says Doyle. “But when the first package arrived, I was just like: wow. It felt like being there. We gave the robot the authority to make these decisions, and it was like having a proxy for our own eyes 200 million miles away.”

  • Why is this a good quote? It gives us a window into Doyle’s thinking and his decision-making process for using this tech, and it puts us in his shoes when it provided results, incorporating emotion while also helping the reader understand the significance of this development.

Submit your quotes and questions on Canvas by midnight on the Sunday after the Friday seminar. These assignments are pass/fail, though we will discuss some of your submissions in the next class.

More Resources:


  • National Association of Science Writers,
  • Society of Environmental Journalists,
  • Council for the Advancement of Science Writing,
  • Association of Health Care Journalists,
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science,


  • A Field Guide for Science Writers, edited by Deborah Blum, Mary Knudson, and Robin Marantz Henig
  • On Writing Well by William Zinsser
  • Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
  • Am I making myself clear? A scientist’s guide to talking to the public by Cornelia Dean
  • The Science Writers’ Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Pitch, Publish, and Prosper in the Digital Age, by the Writers of SciLance, Thomas Hayden and Michelle Nijhuis
  • Best American Science and Nature Writing series

Online resources:

  • The Open Notebook,
  • Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism,
  • Covering Climate Equitably: A Guide for Journalists


  • Fund for Environmental Journalism,
  • NASW Idea Grants,
  • Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources,

Science Writing Internships

  • - places students and recent graduates (within 1 year of graduation) with media organizations for science writing training
  • at the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO)
  • (usually opens for applications in spring)

…And places to look for more internships and jobs:

  • newsletter
  • newsletter
  • on Twitter