There are no required textbooks in this course, but Brock Biology of Microorganisms , 12th ed. by Madigan, Martinko, Dunlap and Clark (2009) is highly recommended (ISBN: 0-132-32460-1)

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Source for Topic Section pp.

1: Introduction

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 12th Ed.

1.0-1.4 Introduction

2 - 7

1.9-1.10 Microbial diversity and modern era

18 - 21

2.5 Elements of cell and viral structure

33 - 35

2.6 Arrangement of DNA

35 - 36

2.7-2.8 Tree of life and diversity

37 - 40

4.1-4.2 Cell shape and size

67 - 70

5.1 Microbial nutrition

108 - 111

14.1-14.4 Early Earth and life diversification

368 - 376

14.5-14.9 Microbial evolution

377 - 385

18.1 Eukaryotic cell

517 - 518

20.1 Photosynthesis

579 - 579

Winogradsky and chemolithoautotrophy

597 - 597

21.1 Fermentation

613 - 614

21.6 Anaerobic respiration

624 - 625

22.1 Methods in microbial ecology

653 - 656

Chap 23 Microbial ecosystems

673 - 692

24.10 Rumen

714 - 716

2: Bacterial abundance

Porter & Feig (1980) Limnology and Oceanography 25

The use of DAPI for identifying and counting aquatic microflora

943 - 948

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 12th Ed.

2.1-2.3 Seeing the very small

26 - 31

5.3 Lab culture of microorganisms

113 - 114

6.9-6.10 Cell couting

153 - 156

22.2-22.3 Isolation and Staining Methods

657 - 661

36.1 Public health and water qualityh

1026 - 1028

36.4-36.8 Waterborne diseases

1033 - 1040

3: Bacterial production

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 12th Ed.

6.5-6.7 Growth of bacterial populations

147 - 150

22.7 Measuring microbial activity

666 - 668

Simon&Azam (1989) Marine Ecology Progress Series 51

Protein content and protein synthesis rates of planktonic marine bacteria

201 - 213

4: Extracellular Enzyme Assays

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 12th Ed.

3.7-3.8 Proteins and structure

61 - 64

4.4 Cytoplasmic membranes

73 - 75

4.7 Outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria

82 - 84

5.4-5.5 Energetics and enzymes

114 - 117

Lehninger (1979) Biochemistry

Ch 8. Enzymes: kinetics and inhibition

183 - 195

H.-G. Hoppe (1993) Aquatic microbial ecology

Ch 48 Use of fluorogenic model substrates for extracellular activity measurements of bacteria

423 - 431

5: Bacterial Consumers

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 12th Ed.

18.9 Alveolates

528 - 530

Caron,D.A., et al. (2012) Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci.4

Marine Protistan Diversity

467 - 493

Azam et al. (1983) Marine Ecology Progress Series 10

The ecological role of water-column microbes in the sea

257 - 263

6: Chemolithotrophy

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 12th Ed.

5.6 Oxidation-Reduction

118 - 119

5.14 Catabolic diversity

131 - 133

15.2-15.6 Photo-, chemolitho-, and methanotrophs

400 - 412

15.8 Sulfate- and sulfur reducing proteobacteria

438 - 441

16.15 Green sulfur bacteria

474 - 476

16.18 Green nonsulfur bacteria

481 - 482

17.4 Methanogenes

494 - 498

20.8-20.13 Chemolithotrophy

595 - 604

21.7 Nitrate reduction and denitrication

625 - 627

21.8 Sulfate and sulfur reduction

627 - 629

21.9 Acetogenesis

630 - 631

21.10 Methanogenesis

631 - 635

21.12 Other electron acceptors

636 - 639

21.16 Methylo- and Methanotrophy

643 - 644

24.1-24.2 Carbon cycle

695 - 699

24.3 Nitrogen cycle

699 - 701

24.4 Sulfur cycle

701 - 702

24.5 Iron cycle

703 - 705

7: Microbial food webs: bacteria phytoplankton competition

Caron et al. (1988) Hydrobiologia 159

Experimental demonstration of the roles of bacteria and bacterivorous protozoa in plankton nutrient cycles.

27 - 40

8: Molecular techniques

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 12th Ed.

Chap 13 Microbial Genomics

343 - 366

22.4-22.6 Molecular methods

661 - 666

22.8 Stable isotopes

669 - 671

Head, I.M., J.R. Saunders and R.W. Pickup (1998), Microbial Ecology 35

Microbial Evolution, Diversity and Ecology: A Decade of Ribosomal RNA Analysis of Uncultivated microorganisms

1 - 21

MoBio: Soil DNA isolation kit

Instruction manual

1 - 8